Wednesday, March 26, 2025


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Revised STFI & EQ (Earthquake) Rate – w.e.f 15/12/2018 - Fire and Engineering Policy

  • Rates to be charged for Property (Fire, Fire LOP,BG Package & IAR) Policies
  •  Minimum STFI rates to be charged
occupancy Rate (per mille)
Dwellings other than Co-operative Hsg Society 0.075
Non Industrial – Co-operative Hsg Society, Hotels, shops as per Section III of erstwhile Tariff 0.150
Industrial including utilities located outside the manufacturing and tank farm/gas holders Section IV, V,VII of erstwhile Tariff 0.250
Standalone Storage (outside manufacturing premises) Section VI of erstwhile Tariff (in Godown) 0.350
Standalone Storage (outside manufacturing premises)
Section VI of erstwhile Tariff (in open)

  • Earthquake rates to be charged :- For Earthquake, the rates have been adopted zone wise and Industrial and non-industrial wise which is as under. The Zones are classified as per the current zones in the erstwhile tariff.
Dwellings other than Co-operative
Housing Society
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Non-Industrial - Co-operative Housing Society, Hotels, Shops as per Section-III of erstwhile Tariff 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.25
Industrial – including Standalone Storage outside the manufacturing units, Utilities outside the manufacturing units. 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50

  • Rates to be charged for Engineering Policies
  1. STFI rates to be charged for Engineering policies :- STFI rate for EAR/CAR/CPM/ EEI : 0.3 per mille per annum or 0.03% per cent
  2. Earthquake rates to be charged for Engineering Policies :- Additional rates to be charged for all zones as per the table given below irrespective of the occupancy or nature of the project
Earthquake All rates are in per mille per annum
EAR /CAR/CPM /EEI (Annual rates) 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50

  • The premium on engineering policies in respect of STFI and EQ to be charged on pro rata basis based on duration of the policy.
  • No discounts of any kind including higher excess discounts or in lieu of agency commission/brokerage to be allowed as these are minimum rates 
  • No deletion of STFI /EQ to be allowed under project policies 
  • No first loss basis cover for EQ allowed under project policies.
  • The above are the minimum rates to be charged and all insurers are free to load the rate based on the individual risk features and claims experience.
N.B. :- Pl note that no cancellation / pre- ponement of existing policy is allowed to offer benefit of lower rate. These rates are bare minimum and subject to no further discount for any reason including in lieu of lower agency commission / brokerage or Higher Excess discount.


The following rates will be applicable wef. 15th Feb, 2020 and override above mentioned rates

Sr. No. Description of occupancy/activity Minimum NATCAT rate (Rs. per mille)
1 Roads EQ 0.225%o + STFI 1.50%o
2 Pipelines EQ 0.225%o + STFI 1.50%o
5 Railway Tracks EQ 0.225%o + STFI 1.50%o
4 T and D lines EQ 0.225%o + STFI 1.50%o
5 Cellular Network Policies EQ 0.225 %o + STFI 0.25%o
6 Residential Colonies, Home Welfare Associations, Cooperative Societies, Dwellings owned by Corporates EQ as per Zone applicable + STFI 0.15%o
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