Wednesday, March 26, 2025


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Health Insurance

The need of a health insurance is now days increasing day by day due to advanced technology and medical costs improving in a very fast way. The treatment of minor disease are much costlier than before, a small health problem could reduce your hard earned savings. Sometimes, it can left you in a position where you don't have enough money to survive.  To take care of health related problems, health insurance is the best option, it covers almost all kind of disease subject to applicability of waiting period and some exclusions. The waiting period assures insurer that the person who is taking insurance is genuine and not hiding any kind of pre-health related issues. A health insurance typically starts working after 30 days waiting period for normal disease but there is no waiting period of accidental risks. There are 2 years and 4 years waiting period for major disease,  which develops in human body silently, sugar, blood pressure, stone, heart attack and knee replacement are the examples. After a waiting period of 4 years almost all disease are covered in health insurance. A person can easily afford health insurance in comparison of making payment for medical costs from his own pocket. 

The main part of health insurance includes the following benefits as well..
*Room Rent, *Ambulance service charges, *Pre and Post hospitalization expenses, *Day Care Treatments, *Domiciliary Hospitalization Expenses, *Donor Expenses, *Cumulative Bonus, *Co-payment if applicable.

Now days there are many additional benefits are being provided by insurers. Few of them are as follows...
*Personal Accident Cover, *Critical Illnesses, *Daily Hospital Cash Allowance, *ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS: are forms of treatments other than ‘Allopathy’, or ‘modern medicine’ and includes Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy in the Indian context., *Air Ambulance Cover, *Out Patient Expenses, *Recovery Benefit, *Physiotherapy Expenses, *Sum Insured Reinstatement or Restore Benefit, *Maternity Expenses, *Free Health Checkup, *Preventive Health Checkup, *Wellness Benefits, *Ancillary Expenses Benefit, *Convalescence Benefit, *Daily Cash for Accompanying an Insured Child, *Consultation Fees, *Additional Cataract Limit, *Expert/Specialist Opinion in respect of a Critical Illness, *Spectacles, Contact Lenses, Hearing Aid, *Worldwide Emergency Expenses.

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