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Risk transfer: Risk is transferred equitably among the group of individuals who are exposed to similar kinds of risk, in exchange for a small contribution called ‘premium’. The underlying principle is that, in a group, only few individuals (and not all) would sustain losses due to the occurrence of an uncertain event.

Pooling of Risk: Insurance is created when people pool their contributions to create a large enough common fund so as to protect themselves from the effects of a loss which may in turn randomly affect one or a few who have contributed to the pool. Whether the loss they are attempting to protect themselves from is loss of life, disability, assets, or whatever, the basic concept remains the same.

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Policyholder/insured Definition by various institutes / underwriters / insurance companies

An individual or an organization who purchases an insurance policy from the insurer by paying a premium.
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Insurance Definition by various institutes / underwriters / insurance companies

Insurance is a contract between the insurer and a policyholder/insured, where the insured pays a premium as consideration and the insurer promises to pay a certain amount of money or provide a defined service if an uncertain event covered under the insurance policy occurs during the policy term.

Insurance refers to the risk transfer cum-sharing mechanism, where the risk of an individual is transferred to another, by way of pooling of risks among a group of individuals who are exposed to similar kinds of risk, in exchange for a premium.

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